Sherman Hill House Move

The Story: Sherman Hill is a local historic district in Des Moines. This small bungalow was one of two “sister” homes remaining on a large parking lot at the north edge of the neighborhood. When a local business decided to expand, they offered the homes to be moved and generously contributed the cost of demolition to save them.

Not only did this project involve the physical construction of new foundations and relocation of the historic structures, the neighborhood’s listing in National Register of Historic Places had to be amended to track the homes’ status. If you’ve never seen a “house on wheels” it is definitely a site worth beholding!

[completed while employed at Silent Rivers Design + Build]

Sequel Architecture + Interiors
2513 Woodland Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50312

(515) 207-9526

Sequel Architecture + Interiors is a full-service architecture and interior design firm with expertise in homes, commercial, hospitality, historic, adaptive reuse, and creative new construction.

Licensed in Iowa and Minnesota